FibTic Processes

Key points

    To backbone - Collection - Intake - Final drop : was ist das ? ==> Synopsis

  • To backbone : preference is given to (small) municipal roads and to unpaved rural paths
  • To backbone : cables directly buried... with ad hoc cables (anti-crushing, anti-rodents) ; duct(s) only if strongly required [ To be noticed : a cable is finally a mini-duct itself and double the number of fibers increases the cable cost by only 20% keeping in mind that... the cable itself represents only 10% of the overall cost ]
  • To backbone : trenching by a wheel fastened onto a farming tractor : 7€ HT/ml with automatic lay down of the cable : depth 40cm, tender ground, 250m/hour (vidéos : depth=1m in young and hard slate !)
  • Collection by means of grooving with light and handy machines (depth : 25cm, disks with carbide teeth) - Aerial collection on poles only in case of real buried impossibility

        ==> Collection + to-backbone between 10 and 20€ HT/meter instead of 45 to 80 (France) !
  • Intake and Final drop : pre-connectorized kits with possible DIY lay down or grooving (in enterprises areas, e.g)
  • Real time RTK (± 5cm) positioning of cables, boxes and cabinets => geographical database
  • Local actors are asked to contribute and can raise their competence level : farmers, electricians or TV craftsmen, high schools...

Our equipments that reduce costs

    To backbone     -     Collection     -     Intake     -     Final drop (vidéo)     -     Optics


Intake & Final drop :
Présentation du Kit FibTic
1- Installation en fond de jardin
2- Connexion au splitter côté NRO
3- Première connexion d'une maison
4- Connexion du câble interne et de sa prise terminale optique (PTO)

Rural final drop :
Partie 1   Partie 2   Partie 3
Éclatement de fibres dans une étable
Connexion finale avec épissure à l'arc

Similar approaches elsewhere

Sweden : Community FttH (go through the pictures)

UK, B4RN : Broadband for Rural North


FibTic : un opérateur FttH au génie civil optimisé (18p)

FibTic : 4G-LTE localisé puis FttH (28p)           Entrevue adjoint au Maire de Brest

FttF : Fiber to the Farmyard (FttH Council Europe - Milano - 2011 / with PRYSMIAN)

Contributions FibTic à l'ARCEP

Complétude de desserte en habitat isolé (PDF)

Accès au THD en zones peu denses (PDF)

Volet C du programme national THD (PDF)...
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